Free History Essays Samples

Mansa Musa And Establishment Of The Mali Empire

The Mali Empire was a great empire known for its wealth, religious influence and power in West Africa. The 1235 Common Era was founded by King Sundiata Keita. It began with the merger of smaller Malinnike Kingdoms in Ghana and the Upper Niger River regions. The Ancient Empire, Mali has a great historical significance. In the next essay, I’ll be discussing its educational, economic, and social contributions towards human history.

Mansa Musa und King Sundiata, the most successful and well known leaders of Mali’s empire, remain. They were well-known as having developed and maintained strong political systems through which Mali’s independent regions could govern themselves. Mansa Musa led the Western region to peace and prosperity. The kings introduced Islam to Mali’s people and helped spread Islamic knowledge further into Africa. Although Malians were not forced to become Muslims, they were encouraged to incorporate Islamic values and beliefs into their daily lives. The empire’s wealth generated strategies were able to revitalize and support the local economy. It gained its wealth mostly through trading and taxes. Following his rule, King Sundiata increased Mali’s borders. This allowed Mali to acquire additional gold mining rights and tax the import and export of goods. He also taxed merchants entering Mali’s border. A smaller number of kingdoms pledged their support for Mali by paying annual taxes and allowing trade. Mansa Musa, the famous pilgrimage to Mecca made him the first Muslim ruler to make it to Mecca. The extravagant pilgrimage made Europe aware of the vast wealth of Africans. Later, Egypt’s gold value decreased due to generosity by the king. This effect lasted a few years. Mansa Musa, a traveler with Arab scholars and architects, returned to Timbuktu.

Timbuktu, Mali’s most famous city, was a hub of scholarship and knowledge in the Islamic world. Timbuktu was a major hub for Islamic intellectual advancement and a great contributor to Islam’s progress and the development of world civilisation via scholarships. Mansa Musa built the Sankore Madrassah mosque, which served two purposes: it was a religious temple and a learning centre. It attracted scholars and students from other Islamic states. Sankore University was able to offer students knowledge in many fields with Islamic studies. It also produced many distinguished alumni such as engineers or architects. Many manuscripts from the Madrassah contained important religious and academic books that were copied and printed in Timbuktu. Sankore University may have been able to transform the African academic and cultural landscape if it had survived foreign invasions. It was recognized as one of Africa’s oldest institutions, with an education standard that far exceeds those of other Islamic institutions.

This empire was a result of the gradual accumulation and practice of Islam in West Africa. The Empire Of Mali’s contributions to human civilization are discussed in the essay.


  • theothomas

    I am 29 years old and I am an educational blogger and teacher. I enjoy writing about education and sharing my knowledge with others. I enjoy helping people find the information they need and empowering them to learn in the most effective way possible. I hope that my blog and teaching can help others reach their goals and become the best version of themselves.


I am 29 years old and I am an educational blogger and teacher. I enjoy writing about education and sharing my knowledge with others. I enjoy helping people find the information they need and empowering them to learn in the most effective way possible. I hope that my blog and teaching can help others reach their goals and become the best version of themselves.