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The Ottoman Victory At Constantinople And Its Role In History

According to me, the Ottoman victory on Constantinople was the greatest event in human history. The Ottoman empire lasted over 600 years. It was longer than the Mughal, Ming and Chinese Empires. The peasant revolution which brought about the Ming Dynasty was unique, but the Ottoman Empire was founded by a tribal leader born in a world that was chaotic and constant war. For many reasons, the fall of Constantinople is significant. The Europeans suffered a major psychological blow. It was clear that even the most well-defended walls could be smashed. It was the decisive blow to the Byzantine empire and sent ripples through Eurasia. The Islamic people held Constantinople in their hearts. It was not conquered by any army. When the city fell on May 29, 14,53, a crescent-shaped moon was visible in heaven. Constantinople adopted the Crescent symbol under the Turks.

Half a century later, Islamic countries around the globe commemorate the victory by displaying crescent moons on flags. The city’s economic condition was dire before Constantinople fell. The city’s population was now 40,000, down from half a million during the century before. The city’s economy was revived after the Ottoman occupation. Sultan Mehmet I established the Grand Bazaar close to his palace. Tax reliefs were also offered to those who wanted to settle in his town. It is often considered one of the most important shopping centers in the world. The capture of the Grand bazaar had an adverse effect on trade in Europe. It resulted in the closing of the Silk Road, one of the most important routes to the East. This was a catalyst for the Age of Exploration and Discovery of the New World. The Ottomans monopolized the black sea and prevented Europeans from trading through it. The Ottoman conquest caused a reduction in trade in Italy and impeded trade. Genoese semigovernmental banks, to which Spain’s monarchs owed a lot of money, funded Spanish colonization. Colonization was a huge success for them. The Ottomans saw the fall of Constantinople as a benefit economically, but it was not for their former trading partners in the Byzantine empire. The rise of Ottoman Empire created animosity between Turks and Greeks. Since thousands of centuries, the Greeks have dominated both sides Aegean for miles. The Byzantine Empire was overthrown by Ottomans. The Byzantines took control of the Byzantine lands. All of their subjects were subjected to an oppressive, unfree belief system by the Turks.

Christianity was no longer a religion of importance. Hagia Sophia became a Mosque after it was demolished. Many Greek scholars fled to the Adriatic, fleeing from death or forced conversion. They returned thousands of years-old Greek manuscripts. These manuscripts were then translated into Latin, and they were instrumental in the rise of Renaissance. This gave the Ottomans a new foundation for future conquests. In 1529, they entered Vienna. They were a serious threat to Western Civilization. Over the years, Europeans have held a hateful and biased view of Turks. Many historians argue that the reason why Turkey is not included in the European Union was deeply rooted in Constantinople’s fall.

The Ottomans have more success than the Mings/Mughals. The Ming Dynasty was an imperial power that shut down all trade. Chinese saw the merchant class in China as inferior. They thought they were parasites since they didn’t produce goods but only ate the work of other people. External influences were forbidden from China. Zheng He, the Chinese traveler, was the only way the Chinese were able to interact with the outside world in the Ming Dynasty. The Ming dynasty was born out of the peasant rebellion. This led to the rise of a line sexually rapacious and sadistic emperors. The death of the emperor forced the concubines to commit suicide. Although the Ottoman empire was not without its concubines as well, the Mings inflicted a life full of torture, abuse and other cruelties on their concubines. An absolute emperor, who is coronated due to his hereditary, can be incompetent and not interested in the affairs or the state. To protect themselves against incompetent rulers, the Chinese created a Prime Minster. The Hong Wu Emperor, however, abolished the post because he desired total authority.

However, the Ottoman ruling families were known to practice fratricide and sacrificed themselves in order to benefit the state. To prevent interregnum, Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror authorized the killing of male family members. To become Emperor, a prince must kill his brothers. This is one reason why Ottoman Empires were ambitious and highly skilled. This meant that the prince must go through great trauma to achieve his glory. But, this will also make him hardworking and capable. The author believes that the Ottomans might not have suffered as much if Ahmed II had not ended the practice and replaced seniority succession.

Babur’s victory in Panipat created a dynasty which would last for nearly 200 years. India would get some outstanding architecture and art through the dynasty. They were able to control a much larger population than the Ottomans. Babur, however, was an Indian nomad living in central Asia prior to his arrival in India. He suffered financial hardships that disappeared once he ruled North India. He was now faced with the challenges of dealing with the local Princes before establishing North Indian stability. India’s history is incredibly diverse. This is precisely why Mughal India was so deeply engulfed by conflicts in India that they didn’t even consider leaving. The Mughals also failed to realize the importance of building an army. Slowly but surely, the Ming and Mughal Empires began to decline. The British colonized India after the Mughals and Qing Dynasties overtook China’s reigns. The Ottoman Empire’s ruins were the birthplace of Turkey, and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk became a prominent leader.

In conclusion, Constantinople’s fall ended an empire that had existed for more than 2 000 years. It began the Age of Discovery. The Ottoman War Machine was born. Although the Ottoman Sultanate fell apart in 1923 due to the decline of multiculturalism, architecture, military tactics, and religious pluralism, it has had a long-lasting impact on the modern era.


  • theothomas

    I am 29 years old and I am an educational blogger and teacher. I enjoy writing about education and sharing my knowledge with others. I enjoy helping people find the information they need and empowering them to learn in the most effective way possible. I hope that my blog and teaching can help others reach their goals and become the best version of themselves.


I am 29 years old and I am an educational blogger and teacher. I enjoy writing about education and sharing my knowledge with others. I enjoy helping people find the information they need and empowering them to learn in the most effective way possible. I hope that my blog and teaching can help others reach their goals and become the best version of themselves.