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Mccarthyism: From The Tragedy To America’s Triumph

The American past is filled with a variety of events and individuals that are characterized by tragedy and triumph. Between 1950 and 1954, terror swept across America. The fear of communist infiltration into the American government, or in extreme cases, the eradication of American freedom and democracy, caused America to be in turmoil for a few years. U. S Senate was a significant part. Joseph McCarthy, the leader of the U. McCarthyism however showed that the American people suffered tragedy, but it was a triumph for America.

Cold War broke out not even 5 years following World War II. Cold War started in 1947 when the Soviet Union and America were fighting over the spread communism. The United States became afraid of the spread communism, and so the Cold war began. In those days, the Soviet Union had been spreading propaganda to further the idea that communism was a good thing. The fear of communism was felt in America. While all this was going down, Eastern Europe and Asia, including China, the world’s leading power, began to adopt communism. This sudden change in government caused the American people to fear that communism could reach America and take over. The United States was not the only country that was afraid of communism. There was fear within America as well. S Senate took action to address the issue. He delivered a speech in which he brought him to the forefront of the American public for revealing shocking facts about the American Government. He declared that he kept a document with names of officials in the government who were members of communist parties. He responded by saying, ‘Our duty as Americans and Republicans is to expel the traitors wherever they are sent to perform their traitorous acts’. It not only caused chaos in America, but also led to Americans being suspicious of others because they feared communists living amongst themselves. McCarthy took advantage of the national paranoia he created, declaring that communists spies are living amongst ordinary people. McCarthy also claimed to be America’s only liberator. McCarthy sent the country into a panic by accusing low-level officials of communist affiliations, and then moving up to high-ranking government officials. In essence, it was the 1950s equivalent of Salem’s witch trials. The supreme Court ruled in favor of him at the time. But that was only a brief period. McCarthy needed to have good evidence before he could bring his accusations against other officials to court. McCarthy cited 81 instances when he was going through his list of suspects. He skipped numbers and repeated some flimsy details for others. He had not proven anything, yet the Senate requested a complete investigation. The American people became fearful of him, and distrusted some government officials. McCarthyism has many symbols, but one is the red-fear. The red-fearing era resulted from the American people’s fear of their government. It evolved into fearing common people. McCarthyism spread and people began to believe that “Communists can be anywhere. They could use their positions as teachers, professors, labor activists, artists, journalists, or even college professors to help the program of global communist dominance”. McCarthy, who was in the spotlight at the time, accused people of being communists, even though they were innocent. McCarthy was not stopped because of the fear he created by his shrieking denials and fear mongering. McCarthy’s shrieking denunciations and fear-mongering created a climate of suspicion across the country. The accusations lasted more than two years.

McCarthyism also took place in the world of film. McCarthyism’s foundation was laid by the HUAC or House Un-American Activities Committee. The HUAC was most active during anti-communist investigation, but it made a name in Hollywood film industry. The committee had a new purpose: “to warrant screenwriters and directors as well as other film industry professionals to give testimony about their membership or suspected affiliation with the Communist Party, association or support to its beliefs”.

Others did not. Ten people, who decided to not answer the questions asked of them, were named as “Hollywood Ten”. The ten people thought that First Amendment rights, such as freedom of speaking, would shield them from having to answer the questions of the committee. The First Amendment did not benefit them and they spent 6 to 12 months in jail. McCarthyism was heavily affected by these decisions and actions.

McCarthyism lasted five years, and it was responsible for ruining careers and livelihoods. McCarthy wasn’t an exception. McCarthy’s accusations, which lacked solid evidence, became tiresome to the American public and government. McCarthy charged many people with crimes, including those in government offices and officials. McCarthy even accused the US army. McCarthy’s “Army McCarthy” case was born. McCarthy’s goal was to “expose the infiltration” of the military in this hearing. McCarthy had lost many supporters by broadcasting this hearing.

McCarthy intimidated and evasively answered questions from the American public. McCarthy attacked a lawyer for the Army, who was a relatively young man. The Army’s Chief Counsel screamed at him, “Have yo no sense decency, sir?”

This case leads to the inevitable end of his career. His power was lost after newspapers exposed him for being a bully. His actions were deemed “inexcusable”, “unfit for senator” by the Senate. McCarthy’s job was lost and his five-year persecutory campaign ended.

McCarthyism may not have been a good thing, if we look back in history. People may look back and think that the chaos, panic and panic during McCarthyism is an example of not doing something. McCarthyism arose in America because of false accusations made by people who lacked evidence. The future generations can learn from this event and avoid repeating history. Future generations will learn not to repeat their mistake of falsely accusing others and stop repeating the tragic 1950s Salem Witch Trials.

McCarthyism showed America’s tragedy, but the lesson was America triumphant. McCarthyism terrorized Americans with the fear that communists were infiltrating America. McCarthyism, although America has a rich history, is one that stands out as a tragic event. However, the lessons and results of this tragedy are what make America great.


  • theothomas

    I am 29 years old and I am an educational blogger and teacher. I enjoy writing about education and sharing my knowledge with others. I enjoy helping people find the information they need and empowering them to learn in the most effective way possible. I hope that my blog and teaching can help others reach their goals and become the best version of themselves.


I am 29 years old and I am an educational blogger and teacher. I enjoy writing about education and sharing my knowledge with others. I enjoy helping people find the information they need and empowering them to learn in the most effective way possible. I hope that my blog and teaching can help others reach their goals and become the best version of themselves.