Free History Essays Samples

Self-rule And Liberty In The Declaration Of Independence And Of Sentiments And The Memorials

In the early days of America, the founding members faced unmatched adversity. Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence combines the poetry of Elizabeth Stanton with the passion of a people who have been suppressed. Readers of all generations will be encouraged to express themselves despite being held back by an external force through the work of the three texts. Even though they were all suffocated, every author managed to change the course of America’s relatively short history. These authors would have never been able to voice their opinions and the country today wouldn’t exist.

The revolt that is evident in each text, and the horrors the writers had to endure, can be felt throughout. After the revolution in the United States, literature from that time period shifted to a world of individualism. These pieces are written by authors who attack their intended audiences with words which bite the consciences and stereotypes of oppressive governments.

Thomas Jefferson, one of the main players in writing and creating the nation’s first document, shows the injustices of Great Britain by referring to the original Declaration of Independence. The Supreme Court’s edits to the document, which were made in order to appease King George III, are juxtaposed with the original, unaltered portions. Jefferson’s drafts are compared in an interesting way. Jefferson wrote a fierce, unabashed critique of his oppressors. The revision, however, significantly dumbs down Jefferson’s writing. The revision dumbs down Jefferson’s writing, making it seem like he is expressing criticisms without any bite. Jefferson’s perky and poignant words have a profound effect on the document. But the way he writes them also adds to his hatred for his audience. Jefferson starts each of his main points with “He is.” “He is” gives the impression that Jefferson has been speaking to the audience, and is furthering the theme of self-identification by using an individualistic mind. Jefferson explains what the other side has done, rather than passively arguing with them or sarcasm. Jefferson doesn’t waste time telling the other side what they have done.

The document’s long length was one of the reasons for its success. The Declaration of Independence was short, which helped Jefferson to make his point quickly. The document was a success because it gave the audience what they needed to know about the new nation Jefferson wanted. Jefferson’s tone in this essay may have allowed him to breathe a bit more. Jefferson might not have been able to achieve anything had he approached the issue from a kneeling position. However, Jefferson’s decision to use a startling tone on his oppressors was successful. Jefferson’s firm tone makes it seem as though he is actually speaking. Jefferson’s declaration of independence, written in intricate language, conveys the intensity of his desire for freedom and self-determination.

The Cherokee Nation published The Cherokee Memorials a few decades after The Declaration of Independence. This document is a deliberate irony of The Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was written with the help and guidance of many people. This document was no different. The Cherokee Nation was being attacked by Andrew Jackson, and the Americans were treating them badly. This group of writers, who were adamant about their views, decided to take apart the old document that shaped our nation. The Cherokee did this in a way that is to be commended, as Thomas Jefferson harshly criticized the oppressors of his time, just as they did. The slanderous slanders that came from the American government caused many innocent people to suffer – they lost land, pride and lives.

The American people were made aware of how serious the situation was by this document. It also, like Jefferson did, instilled a spirit of independence, self-reliance, as well as a distinguished sense of pride. The collective authors make their point by stating it with class, dignity, and pride. Jefferson also did this. By referring America to “our nation” and describing the Cherokee heritage of their people as “the Cherokee nations”, the Cherokees establish themselves against all odds. The small details that are placed at first in the document do not mean nothing. The Cherokees’ confidence in their own importance is evident from the fact that they declare it early on. This shows a level of confidence the American government was not aware existed. Thomas Jefferson and the Cherokees both mocked what may be the most powerful and important document of American history. The Cherokees’ written voice is also filled with a sense of confidence and power. Often, the oppressed minorities, like in this instance, the Cherokees act with an unexpected intensity. This publication showed that the American government viewed this group as dirt. Declarative statements are used to prove their point and officially authorize the denial of citizenship.

Elizabeth Stanton was a pioneer in the women’s movement in America, and her Declaration of Sentiments, published in 1898, revolutionized it. Stanton’s writings severely cut into the pride and happiness of our founder fathers. Just like our other writers, she also studied The Declaration of Independence from the inside and looked for opportunities to exploit. Stanton uses the phrase “He’s” just as Jefferson did to indicate that she’s playing around with The Declaration of Independence. Stanton, like Jefferson, uses the phrase “He has” to indicate that she is playing with The Declaration of Independence. Stanton can easily exploit the inaccuracies of the Declaration, and use the rules that were set up before to satisfy her own passions. She is controversial at the time for taking such a controversial step as expressing her unpopular opinion. Stanton tries to mimic the Declaration of Independence by making her audience feel guilty. Stanton uses the same techniques to persuade the people who attempted to achieve their independence. Stanton is praised for her efforts in rewriting America’s founding documents, but also for using the same persuasion strategies to make a social change that women desperately needed. Stanton uses declarative words like “closes”, “denied” and “monopolized” in order to criticize the treatment of women by men. She does so without fear. Although this was a risky move, the rewards were worth it. Stanton started her success journey with these bold, fearless and declarative words.

America has endured many phases of discrimination against certain demographics. It says a lot about America that people and groups have always stood up and fought for themselves, verbally and in writing. All three authors turned their anger towards their tormentors in the texts into something more powerful. All three authors made a difference through their intense dedication to family, nation, and self. America wouldn’t be what it is without these three documents.


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I am 29 years old and I am an educational blogger and teacher. I enjoy writing about education and sharing my knowledge with others. I enjoy helping people find the information they need and empowering them to learn in the most effective way possible. I hope that my blog and teaching can help others reach their goals and become the best version of themselves.